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Treasure Hunt

Writer: Babies@MAFSBabies@MAFS

Hi there!

Today we are suggesting a simple activity that is perfect for when you're stuck inside on a rainy day, or just to keep your toddler occupied in the kitchen.

What you'll need:

1. A Container-bowl

2. Dry Grains-Flour, Rice, Oats, etc.

3. Treasure

The treasure can be something as simple as a few of their favorite small toys/figures, a special after dinner sweet, or (for the real pirate treasure hunt experience) some costume jewelry.

Simply pour whatever excess grains you have in a large container, hide the buried treasures, and let your toddler search for them in the "sand."

If you want to get fancy, you can have the whole family dress up in their best pirate threads and color a treasure map with your child to make it a whole imagination event.

We hope this sparked some ideas and would love to hear about your pirate adventures!

We hope to see you this afternoon for our Music Class at 3:30pm!

Email for more info on our live classes.

Sending you love!

Miss Hannah

Babies @ MAFS



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